Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thnx for everyone who wished me

Yesterday was my b'day and i had a wonderful day... for me it was a normal day till i got a little surprise... It was from my best friend and his two brothers... well, before that i took some neigbour kids to Mc donald's.. it was a wonderful time with those kids.. they had so much fun.. i won't forget how udhula (the smallest one of them) ate the chips and the ice cream...

I couldn't take out my neighbor out yesterday. I promised him that i'll give him a treat too.. he doesn't like to go Mc, KFC, dine more or pizza hut.. So i was planning to go to have some different flavored ice cream.. That's for his request.. So i thought to take my best friends two bros with him, coz then only we can make fun..But he didn't get time to go there so we postponed it for today or tomorrow..

Anyways thnx for everyone who wished me by sms, calls, Ek, face book, Msn, this blog and in person.. A very very big thanx goes to my best friend and his two brothers...

Pics taken by Uniqu3 Graph!X

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