Saturday, May 31, 2008

My first suregry was a success...

Its been more than one month for my surgery..And after looong time of suffering with the ear, only day before yesterday (29th Apriil) Doctor told me that my surgery was a 100% success.. Alhamdu lillah...

Now i don't have to worry about dust going inside the ear when im out. or water going while i bath.Yesterday i cut my hair after looong time.. Now i can fly, swim and can lift heavy things.. Yaahooo... It's like being free once again :D

Thnx for Dr.Sobitha.. The surgeon who did the surgery... He was the friendly, caring, nicest, coolest and funniest doc i have ever met (as if i know many other docs :P )... Thnx for my family and all my friends...

Pic taken from deviantart

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